Collaborating with Designers and Architects in OS&E Procurement

Operating Supplies and Equipment (OS&E) is an important part of hospitality interior design projects. It includes everything you can think of to create modern and functional environments including everything from tableware through to furniture and decorative elements. 

Given the nature and vision of a lot of these projects, collaboration between designers, architects and hotel brand operators is crucial.

Why is collaboration between designers and architects key in OS&E Procurement?

To ensure the project is completed to the highest standards, collaboration between design, architect, hotel brand operators and OS&E teams is key. Each team brings their own set of skills and ideas to the table, which is important when designing hospitality spaces.

Architects will focus on how to utilise the space available and ensure that what they’re doing complies with regulations while designers will ensure that the space is fit for purpose and fits with the business’s overall objectives and aesthetics. Hospitality brand operators provide critical input to ensure that all elements align with the brand’s standards and guest expectations.

When each of these specialisms work together, it means that the chosen OS&E won’t just fit the space, but also enhance its overall visual direction. 

How do designers and architects contribute to the OS&E selection process?

Architects tend to lead the project development process, outlining how the space will be laid out and taking into consideration any structural and regulatory elements. They will look at spaces where OS&E items are required, making sure they fit within the space and comply with any health and safety regulations. 

Designers tend to focus more on the overall look and feel of OS&E items. They will explore colour schemes, materials, textures, and brand to make sure that the products match the client’s requirements. Brand operators will be required to review these selections to confirm that they meet the brand’s operational standards and resonate with the brand identity.

Both architects and designers will work together to create mood boards and renders and this allows the client to understand the final vision. This joint effort will make sure that the selected OS&E items align with both the architectural integrity and design aesthetics of the project, not to mention the brand if applicable.

What strategies enhance effective collaboration in OS&E procurement?

Several strategies can enhance effective collaboration between designers and architects in OS&E procurement:

Early Involvement: By involving designers and architects early in the project’s inception, it ensures that both their input and expertise are considered from the start. This can help to prevent expensive changes and redesigns later down the line.

Regular touch points: By arranging regular touchpoints it ensures that both parties are aligned to what’s happening with the project. 

Defining clear roles and responsibilities: This can help to prevent overlap and confusion. Each team member involved in the project should understand their role and responsibilities and make sure they align with the overall goals.

Use of collaborative tools: these can streamline the selection process. Tools that allow for the sharing of designs, specifications, and feedback will enhance coordination and efficiency of the project.

How can communication between designers and architects be optimised for project success?

Some ways of optimising communication are:

Implementing one communication platform: Rather than having multiple phone conversations or emails where things can get lost it can be beneficial to implement one platform for all project-related discussions. That way updates can be shared, and miscommunications can be minimised.

Adding in feedback loops: The addition of a feedback loop can help designers and architects to feed back on the project to make sure the project is always improving and is aligned with its goals.

Implementation of visual aids: By using visual aids like mockups and renders, it can help to communicate ideas more effectively than static text on a page. These help designers and architects to collaborate more effectively and use these references as a point of discussion. 

What role does technology play in supporting collaboration in OS&E procurement?

Technology can play a really important role as it helps to streamline communication, support visualisation of the project, and it can even help to support project management. 

Advanced design software like AutoCAD and Revit can assist architects when visualising their architectural and design plans and this can lead to a dynamic workstream as it allows for best-in-class collaboration and feedback.

Project management platforms can help with the organisation of tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities and this can help to ensure that all team members are aligned and informed at every step of the project.

While classic technology platforms can help, new technologies are paving the way for OS&E procurement. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are offering immersive experiences, allowing everyone involved in the project to really visualise and experience the space before completion. 

By using all of these technologies together, it can help to foster a more collaborative and dynamic approach to OS&E procurement and can lead to better project outcomes.

What are the best practices for sustaining long-term collaboration between designers and architects?

Continuous Learning: By encouraging regular learning and development, it can help both architects and designers stay updated with industry trends and best practices. This knowledge can help both parties with their collaborative efforts and project outcomes. 

Flexibility and Adaptability: By being flexible and adaptable to changes it can ensure that every project goes smoothly as possible. As projects often encounter challenges, a team that is flexible, nimble, and collaborative can adjust and find solutions together meaning the project can be successful.


Collaboration between designers and architects is essential for successful OS&E procurement in hospitality projects. It’s even more important that the client themselves or their brand operator is very much involved throughout the process too. By leveraging each individual’s skills and perspectives, they can create cohesive and functional spaces that meet the client’s needs.

By effectively collaborating through early involvement, clear communication, and the use of technology it can lead to a project’s success, delivering exceptional results in OS&E procurement.

SP3 London specialise in high end interior design projects, FF&E and OS&E, Design Management and more. If you’re interested in knowing more about how we can support you across your project, get in touch with us today.

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Shona Patel