Supplier Relationships: Unlocking Support and Delivery Excellence in Hospitality Design

Crafting inventive and exceptional spaces in Hospitality Design extends beyond sheer technical mastery or inspired vision. It hinges upon the formation of strong relationships with reliable suppliers, who not only provide the necessary materials, tools, and structural elements essential to bring design ideas to life, but they are also trusted advisors, consultants, and collaborators in the entire design journey. Their contribution and backing are crucial elements, as invaluable as the design expertise that SP3 London brings to the table. 

This philosophy forms the backbone of SP3 London's approach to hospitality design, placing supplier relationships at the heart of its design delivery approach. A commitment to these supplier relationships amplifies our potential as designers and enables us to go above and beyond in turning our clients' vision into physical reality with every project we undertake.

How does SP3 London prioritise and foster strong supplier relationships? 

SP3 London emphasises prioritising and cultivating robust supplier relationships. This is achieved through regular and effective communication - communication is key, and this is a model we live by. Phone conversations, emails, and in-person meetings are used to understand supplier capabilities and align them with project requirements. Staying updated and maintaining a line of open dialogue forms the backbone of these relations.

What factors are considered when sourcing the right suppliers for hospitality design projects?

Selecting the right suppliers is not a quick decision, and that contract sealing handshake is hard-earned. We look at several factors when sourcing the right suppliers for hospitality design projects, such as quality of products, cost-effectiveness, lead times, and the level of support the supplier offers. It is never just about finding a supplier, but about establishing a partnership that adds value to the design process, and ultimately the client's vision.

How does SP3 London ensure effective coordination and communication with suppliers? 

Most of all, it is imperative that communication remains seamless throughout the design process, no matter the location or the distance. SP3 London ensures this through multiple touchpoints - from phone calls and emails to supplier visits - aiming to build a rapport that underscores the professional relationship. This communication fosters a collaborative environment, ensuring the design journey navigates smoothly past hurdles and challenges. The relationship we curate with our suppliers and the high standards we hold them to – and that they expect of us – are the foundation of effective coordination and communication that is underpinned by mutual respect and professionalism. 

What are the benefits of collaborative ecosystems built through strong supplier relationships?

To harness the power of supplier expertise, the process must be shaped as a collaborative ecosystem rather than a transactional setup. By creating synergies between design ingenuity and supplier expertise, SP3 London gains flexibility and negotiating power. This, in turn, allows us to leverage cost-benefits, faster turnaround times, and superior product quality for our clients. The respect and value we put into our supplier relationships is important in principle, but it’s also a strong and successful business model. 

How does SP3 London leverage supplier expertise to enhance the design process? 

As we work towards translating exciting concepts into tangible experiences, we utilise supplier insights actively and extensively to enhance the design process. By involving suppliers within the design journey, we unlock their unique perspectives - the practical application, material feasibility, the minor tweaks that make a significant difference. Our talented teamwork with the suppliers and benefit from their unique experience and expertise, shared as a product of the strong supplier relationships we foster. Their professional judgement is invaluable to ensure that our designs are realised effectively and efficiently.

How does SP3 London maintain design standards and quality control through supplier engagement? 

As much as creativity takes centre stage in design, maintaining design standards and quality control is non-negotiable. At SP3 London, we practise meticulous oversight of delivery through drawings, monitoring, sampling, and factory visits. Getting a glimpse into the production process allows us to ensure that the end product aligns with our, and more essentially, our client's expectations.


In the dynamic realm of hospitality design, unlocking support and delivery excellence is tied to how well the designer manages supplier relationships. Taking this route and adopting this philosophy forms the framework and backbone of SP3 London's unique methodology to hospitality design. 

It goes beyond just investing in aesthetic appeal; our approach is fuelled by the belief that the keys to a successful hospitality design project are close collaboration, constant communication and mutual respect between designer and supplier. These bonding elements provide a solid platform for issue resolution, innovative solutions, and the delivery of top-notch results. 

At SP3 London, nurturing these alliances enables us to create exquisite spaces that not only captivate but also stand testament to design excellence. Through this collaboration and partnership, we're able to provide our client with not just a product, but an experience that leaves an indelible mark.

Shona Patel